Top 10 Vastu Tips for Home: Enhance Harmony & Positive Energy

The ancient science behind architecture and interior design, Vastu Shastra, focuses on creating harmony amidst life spaces in order to promote well-being, happiness and positive energy. So if you are planning to build/design a new home or enhance the positive energy of your current living space, these top 10 simple Vastu tips for homes will come in handy!

Top 10 Vastu Tips for Home

Entrance of the Home

The entrance of any home is the gateway for energy to enter your living space. It is, hence, a crucial element in Vastu. The main door should be well-lit, clean, and free from any obstacles in the path. It is recommended to face north, east, or northeast. It should open in a clockwise direction. All this brings in positive energy and good fortune.

Living Room

The space where families and friends gather, spend time together and create memories is usually the living room. Placing the living room in the northeast or northwest direction of your home can encourage positive vibes. Keep the center of the room clutter free and arrange furniture in a way that allows free movement. Using light colour paints on the walls and adding green plants to the decor can further enhance the positive energy of the room.

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Kitchen Location

One of the common Vastu tips for home include that the kitchen should be in the southeast corner of your home. It represents fire and is important for your health and prosperity. However, if this isn’t possible then the second best option is the northwest direction. It is believed that if the stove is kept in such a way that the cook faces the east while cooking, it brings good health.

Bedroom Directions

An important Vastu tip for a happy home is that the master bedroom should ideally be in the southwest corner of your house. It promotes stability and grounding. A peaceful bedroom encourages overall well-being. Place your head in a way that your head points south while sleeping, which is believed to improve sleep quality and rest. 

Bathroom Orientation

Bathroom placements have a huge impact on the energy of your home. According to Vastu, bathrooms should be preferably placed in the northwest or southeast corner of your homes. Ensure the bathroom door always remains closed, and the bathroom itself is kept clean and dry to prevent negative energy from radiating to other parts of the home.

Colors and Decor

Of course, colors and home decor are important elements of Vastu. They influence your mood and energy in your home. Light and soothing colors such as white, light blue, and lighter shades of green or yellow are recommended for walls. Dark or dull colors encourage gloominess. Incorporating plants, water fountains, and mirrors always brings positive energy.

Balancing Elements

Vastu lays emphasis on representing and balancing all the five elements in your home: earth, water, fire, air and space. A water fountain or aquarium in the north or northeast corner can represent water. Earth can be symbolized by earthen or clay pots. Ensure proper ventilation to represent air and lamps/candles to represent fire.

Cleanliness and Decluttering

Clean and clutter free living space is a general Vastu tip for homes. Clutter blocks the flow of energy and contributes to stress, anxiety and negativity. Regularly declutter your home, remove and get rid of broken or unused items to maintain cleanliness. This practice promotes positive mental energy and a sense of calm.

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Prayer/Meditation Room

Having a dedicated space for prayer or meditation in your home increases spiritual energy. The northeast corner is ideal for this purpose. Area should be clean, quiet, distraction free and incense sticks or candles can be added to create a serene atmosphere.

Positive Symbols or Art

Positive symbols or art pieces increase the overall energy of your home. Using religious symbols like Om, Swastika or what resonates with your beliefs evokes positivity, serenity and happiness. It is better to avoid art pieces that depict violence, sadness or any negativity.

By following these simple top 10 Vastu tips for your home, you can design a living space that exudes positive energy, happy vibes and harmony. Vastu is not just about structural changes but rather it focuses on creating an environment that supports your growth and well-being. 

Follow these general Vastu tips for home and let us know in the comments below if you experienced a difference.

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